

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 18, 2011

Darya Pino, Ph.D: 8 Reasons Awesome Girls Should Learn to Cook
I know a few girls who enjoy cooking, and even more who like to bake. But there is also a subset who can't even boast the grill skills some regular guys have in spades. I know these girls well, because I used to be one.

8 Tips to Avoid Social Media Disaster - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)
Amber Mac's Keynote at SES Toronto 2011 was almost renamed How to Avoid Weinergate in light of the recent social media scandal named after, um, Weiner's ...

Mac OS X 10.6.8 Build 10K540 Seeded to Developers -
Apple has seeded another Mac OS X 10.6.8 seed to developers this evening. This one comes less than 4 days from the previous seed. Apple seems...

10.6.8 build 10K540 seeded to developers | TUAW - The Unofficial ...
The latest build of Mac OS X 10.6.8 has been seeded to developers. This build lists no known issues, and it has the exact same focus areas as an earlier.

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